Gipuzkoa Provincial Council Human Rights Plan

The Rights Factory have collaborated with Argituz Human Rights Association in advising the Directorate-General for Human Rights and the Historic Memory of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa on the design of the Human Rights Plan for the period 2012-2015 by identifying possible lines of action based on a diagnosis of the situation in Gipuzkoa.


An approach based on the promotion and protection of human rights, which also implies the strengthening of our institutions, must be both realistic and pragmatic. This approach implies acknowledgment of the fact that improving the human rights situation is a public policy objective which can be achieved through processes for the planning and assignment of resources commonly applied in government. In this way, the human rights objectives can be integrated into the general objectives of the government in question towards the sustainability of the territory, so that society as a whole benefits and is strengthened as a result of a process of this kind.


Within the framework of this Plan, the work of The Rights Factory has focused on drafting the chapter on corporate social responsibility, which centres on the duty of the public authorities to protect society against possible abuses that have been committed or may be committed by businesses in their territory and/or jurisdiction.

To this end an analysis has been made of the particular situation in Gipuzkoa in terms of the policies and measures taken by the Provincial Council which serve as a base from which to define future courses of action.


Improve the promotion and protection of human rights in Gipuzkoa.




CSR and Human Rights Management